You would recall the debates of a few months
ago. Why should there be a subsidy on diesel? It was a national shame that a
lot of subsidised diesel was used to run luxury automobiles. Thus the subsidy
(i) was generally useless to those who required it, and (ii) those who could
well afford to pay full price for diesel got it at a subsidised price.
This paradox is, and has been, existing with
Clubs all over the country more so in the metropolitan cities where land
rentals are high.
Before I go further a few disclosures and
1 I
am a member of the Royal Bombay Yacht Club [RBYC] and the Bombay Gymkhana.
post is based on the RBYC as I have accurate and up to date information on
hand. The principle is almost exactly the same at all the other Mumbai clubs be
it the Willingdon Sports Club or the venerable Bombay Gymkhana and many others.
3 I
am not picking on the RBYC – see explanation (2) above.
4 No I am not am being facetious, I am deadly serious.
5. This post requires some concentration when
The Bombay Port Trust [BPT] is
one of the largest landowners in Mumbai. BPT owns the land on which the RBYC is
located. A Judgement of the Supreme Court has recorded some fascinating facts,
which I am taking the liberty of reproducing here. If you would like to read the entire Judgement click here.
Bombay Port Trust Estate, admeasuring around 720 hectares (1800 acres approx.)
of land is a huge stretch from Colaba to Raoli Junction, including Pir Pau,
Butcher Island, land at Titwala and other islands. The population is highly
urbanized and dense. Out of the total area of 720 hectares the area under the
jurisdiction of Estate Department of the BPT is around 336 hectares. Out of
these, 306 hectares of area is occupied by the lessees of BPT holding leases of
various tenures.
were about 600 lessees. The lessees could broadly be divided into three
categories – monthly or annual lessees, 15 years’ terms lessees, and 99 years’
or long term lessees, with or without clauses for renewal.
case of monthly or annual leases, the municipal taxes are borne by the BPT,
while in cases of 15 years term and long terms leases, the liability to pay
municipal taxes is with the lessees. The BPT Estate cannot be sold; it is all
held out on leases excepting for the land in the use of the Port and for Port
activities i.e. for the self requirement of the BPT. Leases were created long
back, some of which being around a century old.
the year 1962, the World Bank advised BPT that its rate of return on its real
estate was hopelessly inadequate and needed to be reviewed. The Comptroller and
Auditor General of India too, in his report of the year 1979-80, shared the
opinion of the World Bank and highlighted the obligation on the part of the
trustees to secure a fair and reasonable revenue for its estate so as to attend
better to its manifold public duties.
the private landlords are making money in the commercial capital city of
Bombay, there is no reason why the Bombay Port Trust should be kept pegged down
to abysmally low rates of rent which were settled decades before and at a point
of time when in Bombay the land was available for occupation more or less like
just a bounty of nature and people were being persuaded and encouraged by
holding out incentives to come to Bombay and settle there. He submitted that
the Bombay Port Trust has to manage and administer a huge port, most vital to
the industrial and economic life of the nation, and it needs money for funding
its activities. Every additional penny earned by Bombay Port Trust has to be
and is spent for public good and the increase in rent would augment the
resources of the Bombay Port Trust and thereby strengthen its hands in
rendering better service to the nation.”
This is for lease of the land on which the
Club building stands. The Club is a building of Ground plus five floors with a
floor area of 7000 sq feet per floor which totals 42,000 sq feet. I am assuming
that the size of the land would be 2 ½ times the size of a floor so it would be
approximately 17,500 square feet. A simple back of the envelope calculation
will reveal that the lease rent for the land is a paltry Rs 10.25 per sq foot per month. If one were to take the area of the building the rent is an equally paltry Rs 4.27 per square foot per month. Rents for commercial space at Nariman Point are anywhere between
Rs 150 – Rs 250 per sq foot per month. This, of course, is for built up space not land. My point is mentioning all this is to give you some kind of idea of how utterly unrealistic is the rent the
RBYC is paying to the BPT.
lies the rub.
members of the RBYC are amongst the richest and most prominent industrialists
and professionals in Mumbai – the Godrejs, the Ambanis and the Premjis, just
to name a few. The other members of the RBYC are certainly not by any stretch
of imagination amongst the poor who require subsidies. The irony is, almost all
yacht owners, who are by no means poor are members of the RBYC. It is after all the Yacht Club.
you, I must point out that the RBYC probably has the smallest leased land among
the Mumbai clubs. The Cricket Club of India, the venerable Bombay Gymkhana, the Hindu, Islam and Parsee Gymkhanas all have cricket
fields, tennis courts, and, much larger grounds. The Willingdon Club has a golf
course for God’s sake! The Royal Western India Turf Club has an entire horse
racing track. The Breach Candy Club has large lands and pools. The land owners in these clubs is probably the Collector of
Bombay or the State Government and not the BPT. But just think about how much
land is involved and how paltry the rents are. Also remember, members in all
these clubs are India’s richest individuals. At the Turf Club you could count
the Singhanias the Jains of Bennett Coleman, the now not so rich Dr Vijay `Willful Defaulter’
Mallya, Dr Poonawalla and other horse owners as members.
Club inducts new members at Rs 12 lakhs as shown on their website. I
do not believe the poor and downtrodden are becoming members at this rate even
though, as members, they will get ‘cheap’ food and drink. Rooms are let out at
rates between Rs 3000 – Rs 6000. So, letting out a single room for Rs 6000 for
an entire month garners the RBYC more revenue than the lease rental for the
month for the whole premises. You could have a look at their website by clicking here.
an organisation pays rent which is unrealistically low, its running costs are
obviously low. Therefore, the food and drink served is regarded as ‘cheap’.
There are 2 reasons why it is ‘cheap’. Firstly, because the rents are
unrealistic and, secondly, the Club does not operate for profit, but charges its
members just enough to cover costs. I must also point out that the entrance fees paid at the time you are admitted as a member are capitalised by clubs. So, today Clubs have healthy a corpus which is invested resulting in decent interest income. This too helps offset costs.
may well ask what does `cheap’ mean. Let me give you just two examples. A
standard Kingfisher beer 330 ml will cost you inside Rs 95/- at the RBYC. The
same beer will cost you Rs 200 at Toto’s Bar at Bandra one of the `cheaper’
bars in Bombay. Though I doubt any of the Godrejs would grace Toto with their presence
but would surely quaff a beer or two at the RBYC. A Sada Dosa at the Bombay
Gymkhana costs Rs 35/- and the most expensive a Cheese Masala Dosa costs Rs
60/- I checked the menu just this morning. A Masala Dosa would cost you Rs 55/-
at Poornima, an Udipi restaurant in Fort [non air conditioned and self service
complete with `finger paani’]. A two egg plain omelette costs Rs 30/- at
the Bombay Gymkhana while the most expensive is the Cheese Omelette at Rs 40/- These
are really cheap, as cheap as at an Udipi restaurant. Would any of our rich and
famous Bombay Gym or RBYC members eat at an Udipi that is full priced, albeit, at
the same price as a subsidised Club? No. But they are happily chomping down
hugely subsidized Dosas and eggs in the classy environs at the Club.
Once you have read the prices I am sure you are not feeling too happy about the dinner your pal treated you to at the Club. It was equivalent to taking you to an Udipi for the amount he spent!! Probably, without doubt the cheapest booze outside of home.
So, on the one hand, we rich members enjoy
the privilege of ‘cheap’ food and drink, the Bombay Port Trust
and the Collector of Mumbai which renders service to our country has to suffer
and get a paltry return for its lands. If the Government raises taxes to build
or maintain infrastructure we all crib and make all kinds of intellectual
arguments ranging from the ludicrous `Mumbai should keep the taxes it pays for
its own development’, to `paying taxes is such a waste, it is only used in
government salaries’. So paying taxes is a pain for us even though we are often
the very same people who have caused the Government to fall into neglect.
You may well be
outraged by my trend of thought and say that clubs are not only about `cheap’
food and drink. Really? Do have a look at any clubs accounts. The biggest
revenue is from food and drink, never sports for which the club got its
original land on a cheap lease.
Can you imagine
[other things being equal] if the Bombay Port Trust received realistic rents
how good our port infrastructure could be? All of us who are members of these
‘elite’ clubs can easily afford to pay more, far more, for the food and drink
at the clubs we go to. I am not suggesting here that Clubs suddenly become
profit centres, but surely paying commercial or realistic rents and
appropriately charging members who can afford the charge is only but fair.
Why should a Club which has, and takes pride
in having, Members who are the elite of society not pay commercial rents to a
Makes no sense to me. Maybe I am missing
something here. But then, I am only a minority, a miniscule minority willing to
pay full price for what I can afford.
You may well ask me what my position is. Well here goes:
- I believe realistic rents should be charged by the land owners.
- The concept of not operating at a profit must continue.
- If costs go up, which they are bound to, members should have the right to transfer memberships and appropriate a premium for the membership.
- Transfers will help members who may want to exit if things become unafforadble. Today clubs have huge memberships but a very small number use the club, even for `cheap' food and drink.
- All transfers will be approved by the balloting committee of the clubs so that quality, ethos profile and so on can be maintained.
- The corpus could continue to be built up by charging the incoming transferee a fee.
- Clubs should have a maximum number of members, no new members should be allowed unless the number falls below the threshold.
- I believe this will really revitalise clubs. You will have real members who really use the club leading to more revenue better planning and simply more consistent experiences for all concerned.
I am sure there will be many counter
arguments to this blog, and I would really like to see other point of view on
this. Do post your views.