Well now that it’s the New Year i.e. post
Diwali, why not contrast my previous post of Customer Delights with Customer
Irritations and Aggravations.
obsequious and fawning
We cannot stand this kind of behaviour. This
is especially prevalent in South East Asia. Prolonged welcomes, `Namaste’s’ or
their Thai equivalents and the particularly disgusting and distressing trait of
kneeling on the floor when addressing you. The moment you ask a hotel staff a
question you are offered a chair/sofa to sit while the staff disappears to get
an answer to what would by now have been a routine question for the staff. On
securing the answer, the staff will kneel while you are seated and provide you
with an answer. This manner of wanting to show that you are an honoured guest
for whom they will lay down their lives is to my mind being unnecessarily
fawning. I mean, come on you are a professional, act like one, don’t fawn.
This is another disgusting practice which
many in the hospitality industry and the areas around it [taxi drivers, guides
et al] are often guilty of. I can understand government officials wanting
bribes, baksheesh, speed money, call it what you like. That problem will be
short lived if you believe what Kisan Baburao Hazare says. However this tip
mongering and telling you stories of how hard they work, how incomes have disappeared,
how children, parents wife’s are dying, all to extract a tip, are irritating. Quite
often we see thru the bullshit. Once again, you are a professional, act like
one stop moaning.
A long established tradition in restaurant
menu writing is that the most expensive dishes appear on the top of the
section, followed by the cheaper dishes. Thus in the meat section, for example
the Australian Steak will be at the top, as will be the New Zealand Lamb chop,
then Pepper Steak [Indian meat], then some chicken dish. Following so far? Now,
after looking at the menu you are confused as to whether to order the Pepper
Steak or the Chicken. You make the mistake of asking the performance monkey
masquerading as a waiter for a selection out of your shortlist. He promptly recommends
the Australian Steak. Hey, that was never on my radar!! I was not born
yesterday. I do not want a frozen piece of meat. I am happy with Indian meat. I
am unwilling to pay stupid prices, I know how to read, are some of the
responses that come to my mind. Stop pushing expensive food.
It’s now trendy to not only list but describe
in excruciating detail every ingredient in a dish. This is especially true of
our fancier restaurants. What I find is that in many restaurants the dishes
presented are not what was promised to you on the menu. Problems could be (i)
that the ingredient does not exist in the form it is described, like, soggy
noodles on a soup that has to have crisp noodles, or, (ii) a minuscule quantity
or often not giving you the ingredient at all, like, Asparagus or bacon on a
Pizza. Often these dishes are priced at a premium so you feel doubly cheated
when the exotic ingredient does not show up in appreciable quantities. This problem
assumes myriad forms, I am listing but two of them.
Fortunately, incorrect billing is now on the
decline. However, actually getting a bill after a meal is a difficult
proposition. One would think that the conclusion of a meal would be something
every waiter and restaurant exists for. It is payback time; it’s when the
waiter will be rewarded for his efforts by the punter leaving a tip. It’s time
to get rid of a miserly complaining customer and get a fresh set of suckers in.
But alas, no. Restaurants take ages to give you your bill. After finally
getting the bill, its ages till the credit card or cash is collected. Then it’s
a long wait, while you wriggle in your seat desperately wanting to go to the
toilet and get rid of all the beer in your bladder but you are paralysed. The
waiter has not got the card or change back. Finally, it looks like things are
done and you can charge to the toilet and exit. Why does all this take so long?
Can you not get remote card swiping machines? Finish the charade then and
there, get rid of the punter and turn the table. No life is not so simple. Also
mind you, the Shettys in Udipi restaurants don’t play silly buggers like the
trendy restaurants. They know how to turn around tables.
These are my peeves. Would be glad if you
dear reader could add some of your favourite irritations.
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